Enjoy Seafood Year Round

smseafoodSpecial Announcement

We thought we’d share this great collection of seafood focused food holidays that our friends over at Seafood International put together. You can grab the whole list here, or keep reading for a few of our favorites.

Start the year with soup! That’s right, January 21 is National Clam Chowder Day.  We love clam chowder, and its a best seller for us at our Markets. Do you prefer New England or Manhattan? Either way,we have plenty of clam options.

Start spring on the right claw – March 9 is National Crabmeat Day. Crab cakes, crab salad, crab bisque – how ever your choose to serve it, make sure your customers know it’s a day for celebrating being crabby!  We have a huge selection of crab meat options, check in with your Santa Monica Seafood Sales Rep in advance of this tasty day.

We love shrimp in this country – it’s our most commonly consumed seafood choice. Let’s celebrate together! National Shrimp Day is May 10 and we’ll spare you the requisite Forrest Gump recitation of they myriad of ways you can enjoy this delicious American favorite.

Another favorite? Oysters!  Sustainable, delicious and good for you. We celebrate oysters year-round but August 5 has been officially designated National Oyster Day. Make sure you order up plenty. We have live options from both the Pacific and the Atlantic; check in with your rep for each week’s inventory.

And of course you know the ENTIRE month of October is National Seafood Month, so get ready for a busy fall filled with fish and shellfish!

These holidays can make for fun and engaging menu items or talking points for your front-of-the-house staff. They can also serve as fun Social Media prompts. Engage with your customers ahead of time and invite them to celebrate with you.

We hope you’re looking forward to 2015 as much as we are. From our family to yours – Happy New Year!